March of Dimes

A Mother of a Movement + Feeding Motherhood
The Challenge

March of Dimes came to OBERLAND with a challenge: how can you leverage a charity gala to raise funds in the middle of a global pandemic? To answer the call, we transformed their annual event “Signature Chefs” into an online extravaganza that rivaled (and even improved) the in-person experience. We created bespoke online auctions that generated buzz, engagement and facilitated an out-of-the-box approach to donations. The event, dubbed “Feeding Motherhood,” bridged the gap between MoD’s meaningful work with the Signature Chefs series, sparking a greater incentive for people to participate and give. The initiative culminated in a powerful “March for Babies” event, designed by OBERLAND, which allowed mothers to finally come together in real life.

The Solution

A Mother of a Movement + Feeding Motherhood

The results

In just 3 months, March of Dimes raised over $9 million in funds. Even though this was at the peak of the COVID-19 lockdown, we generously surpassed our initial donation goal.

March for Babies: A Mother of a Movement

Brand Book



Signature Chefs: Feeding Motherhood

Signature Chefs: Full Digital Event

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