A cryptocurrency exchange looking to increase its awareness in a competitive US market, Okcoin came to OBERLAND “break through the noise in the crypto space and stand for something more than 'to the moon!,'” as CMO Haider Rafique explains it. The brand’s name lent itself to having fun with the concept of things being ‘okay or not okay,’ so the agency tapped an up-and-coming female standup comic to pose a series of funny cultural Qs in a tried-and-true game show format, complete with a catchy theme song and canned applause.
It's okay to disagree.
To boost engagement, our commercials directed viewers to a playful landing page where they could vote on a range of culture and crypto topics, check out poll results and learn how to dip their toes into the world of crypto with Okcoin. Cash prizes were offered – in Bitcoin, no less – for registering their votes and tweeting about the page. The work helped give Okcoin a fresh brand persona that seized the fascination with crypto while taking a little wind out of its sails at the same time.
For Press inquiries reach out to Kate Huey
For New Business inquiries reach out to Drew Train
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