Blue Man Group

Dare To Live In Color
The Challenge

Blue Man Group was already a world-famous show, but we helped reposition their brand to be something much bigger than a two hour production. By reconnecting with their sophisticated child self, Blue Man became a way for audiences to embrace the full spectrum of life and experience pure joy, laughter and unapologetic goofiness.

The Solution

Dare To Live In Full Color.

The results

Worldwide increase in box office sales, employee morale at an all-time high, assistance in securing both a 25th Anniversary book deal and record deal, brand positioning lead to an 8-figure acquisition by Cirque du Soleil.





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from the client
Pam Harris
Chief Marketing Officer

“We feel so lucky to have partnered with OBERLAND who created our new advertising/marketing campaign for Blue Man Group called Dare To Live in Full Color. Bill and Drew were terrific collaborators and provided just the right kind of creative leadership and seasoned guidance that our team needed.”